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Joint BSA - Australian Information Industry Association (AIIA) Letter to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security (PJCIS) regarding Independent National Security Legislation Monitor (INSLM) report on the Telecommunications and other Legislation Amendment (Access and Assistance) Act 2018 (TOLA). The AIIA and BSA support the Australian Government’s desire to have more powerful tools to aid in the fight against criminal and terrorist activities. Both our associations have engaged in multiple public consultations, urging the adoption of safeguards to ensure that the authorities under the TOLA are not exercised to the detriment of privacy, security and trust in the digital economy.   Read more

policy filing

JUL 22, 2020

Information Age, December 5, 2019. BSA is encouraged by the ongoing legislative reviews of the Assistance and Access Framework in Australia and efforts in the Australian Parliament to improve the Framework. Read more

bsa in the news

DEC 05, 2019

BSA | The Software Alliance is grateful for this opportunity to make a submission on the final report that the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission released on 26 July 2019 regarding the Digital platforms Inquiry. Our submission focuses on the recommendations in the Final Report with respect to copyright take-down, privacy and personal information protection, and internal dispute resolution. Read more

policy filing

SEP 12, 2019