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Etiquetas Adicionales

BSA | ザ・ソフトウェア・アライアンス、以下、BSA は、AI事業者ガイドライン案に(以下、ガイドライン案)に関し、総務省および経済産業省(以下、経産省)に意見を提出する機会2が得られたことに感謝します。我々は、総務省および経産省がAI事業者が責任をもってAIを開発・ Continuar leyendo

policy filing

FEB 19, 2024

WASHINGTON – At a time when artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities are at the forefront of public discourse, more than 40 countries will exercise their right to vote in public elections this year. Today during the Munich Security Conference, companies committed to strengthening election integrity by signing the Deceptive AI Election Content Accord. BSA | The Software Alliance Senior Vice President of Global Policy Aaron Cooper issued the following statement. Continuar leyendo

press release

FEB 16, 2024