Virtual Event: BSA Transatlantic Roundtable Series – Europe’s Ambitious AI Act
March 16, 2022
With renewed momentum to accelerate EU-US cooperation, especially in the field of technology, policymakers in Brussels and Washington have a unique opportunity to shape global conversations on international standards around AI and the principles that guide its development.
BSA’s Transatlantic Roundtable Series on AI offers a nonpartisan forum for staffers in the European Parliament and the US Congress to exchange on key AI-related topics, engage with top-level guest experts from the world’s most innovative enterprise software companies, and stimulate discussion on areas for greater transatlantic cooperation.
This third meeting of the series will take a deep dive into Europe’s AI Act proposal and its potential global impacts. Staffers from the European Parliament will kick off the conversation with a state of play on the proposed AI Act – highlighting areas of consensus, the main sticking points, and how the legislative process will likely unfold in 2022. BSA will then moderate an interactive discussion looking at the potential impacts of Europe’s AI Act for lawmakers and businesses in the United States and beyond, and ways to further align transatlantic cooperation on responsible AI.
El Business Software Alliance ( es el principal defensor de la industria global del software ante los gobiernos y en el mercado internacional. Sus miembros se encuentran entre las compañías más innovadoras del mundo, creando soluciones de software que impulsan la economía y mejoran la vida moderna.