BSA Managing Director Kate Goodloe Discusses Models Featured in the State Privacy Landscape
CQ Roll Call, January 17, 2024
By Gopal Ratnam
BSA | The Software Alliance Managing Director Kate Goodloe talks about the US state privacy legislation that builds upon models that enhance consumer privacy.
Yet Washington’s model, which adapted many parts of the European Union’s privacy law known as General Data Protection Regulation, “has had a lot of influence,” said Kate Goodloe, managing director at BSA | Software Alliance.
“That approach creates a new set of privacy rights for individuals and set of obligations on businesses, including both consumer-facing businesses and business-to-business data processors,” she said in an interview. Privacy laws in Virginia, Connecticut and Colorado use the same structure “but add more substantive protections for consumers.”
Original Posting: https://rollcall.com/2024/01/17/push-for-federal-data-privacy-law-grows-as-rights-vary-by-state/
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