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JUN 04, 2018 | GLOBAL

BSA's 2018 Global Software Survey Shows Better Software Management Can Improve Security and Boost Bottom Line

WASHINGTON – June 5, 2018 – To reduce the risk of cyberattacks and boost their bottom line, businesses should assess the software on their networks and eliminate unlicensed software, according to the 2018 Global Software Survey from BSA | The Software Alliance released today.

Around the world, organizations use software to improve the way they do business, increase profits, reach new markets, and gain competitive advantages. Too often, however, these efforts are hampered by the widespread use of unlicensed software and the often-crippling security threats that accompany it.

To better understand the implications of unlicensed software, BSA released the 2018 Global Software Survey: Software Management: Security Imperative, Business Opportunity. The survey quantifies the volume and value of unlicensed software installed on personal computers in more than 110 countries and regions, and includes nearly 23,000 responses from consumers, employees, and CIOs in those areas.

“Organizations around the world are missing out on the economic and security benefits that well-managed software provides,” said Victoria Espinel, President and CEO of BSA | The Software Alliance. “Businesses should establish software asset management (SAM) programs to evaluate the software on their networks, which in turn reduces the risk of debilitating cyberattacks and helps grow their revenues.”  

The survey’s key findings include:

  • Use of unlicensed software, while down slightly, is still widespread. Unlicensed software is still used around the globe at alarming rates, accounting for 37 percent of software installed on personal computers – only a 2 percent drop from 2016.
  • CIOs report unlicensed software is increasingly risky and expensive. Malware from unlicensed software costs companies worldwide nearly $359 billion a year. CIOs report that avoiding data hacks and other security threats from malware is the number one reason for ensuring their networks are fully licensed.
  • Improving software compliance is now an economic enabler in addition to a security imperative. When companies take pragmatic steps to enhance their software management, they can increase profits by as much as 11 percent.
  • Organizations can take meaningful steps today to improve software management. Studies show that organizations can achieve as much as 30 percent savings in annual software costs by implementing a robust SAM and software license optimization program.

Through in-depth analysis, the survey shows companies can implement strong measures, including SAM programs, to improve the way they manage software, thereby increasing profits, decreasing security risks, and growing opportunity.

To explore the survey’s results, including a breakdown of country-specific data, visit www.bsa.org/globalstudy.


El Business Software Alliance (www.bsa.org) es el principal defensor de la industria global del software ante los gobiernos y en el mercado internacional. Sus miembros se encuentran entre las compañías más innovadoras del mundo, creando soluciones de software que impulsan la economía y mejoran la vida moderna.


Michael O’Brien

Correo electrónico: [email protected]

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