JUN 13, 2023 | GLOBAL
Elastic Joins BSA | The Software Alliance as New Global Member
Politico Influence, June 13, 2023
By Caitlin Oprysko
BSA | The Software Alliance welcomes Elastic to its global membership. Chief Legal Officer Carolyn Herzog is joining the association’s board of directors. TriNet Executive Vice President of Business Affairs, Chief Legal Officer and Secretary, Samantha Wellington is also joining the board.
Elastic’s new membership is also featured in Politico Morning Tech.
Original Posting: https://www.politico.com/newsletters/politico-influence/2023/06/13/what-the-pga-tour-is-telling-the-hill-00101806
El Business Software Alliance (www.bsa.org) es el principal defensor de la industria global del software ante los gobiernos y en el mercado internacional. Sus miembros se encuentran entre las compañías más innovadoras del mundo, creando soluciones de software que impulsan la economía y mejoran la vida moderna.