Sound Data Policies Are Imperative to Reap the Benefits of Artificial Intelligence
Indian Express, October 01, 2019
By Venkatesh Krishnamoorthy
India has a tremendous opportunity to be a global garage for emerging technologies like AI. To utilize this opportunity, India should play a global leadership role in AI policymaking. With India’s current focus on the development of a comprehensive personal data protection policy, it is critical that the government develop policies that are consistent with international best practices. AI policies must promote cross-border data flows and exclude regressive requirements like data localisation. Only then would India be able to leverage the benefits of AI and march towards a USD 1 trillion digital economy by 2025.
Original Posting: https://indianexpress.com/article/technology/opinion-technology/sound-data-policies-are-imperative-to-reap-the-benefits-of-artificial-intelligence-6045156/
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