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SEP 22, 2020 | US

As Senate Preps for Latest Privacy Hearing, Stakeholders Look to Next Congress for Legislation

Morning Consult, September 22, 2020

By Sam Sabin

Regardless of what happens during the Senate Commerce Committee’s hearing Wednesday dedicated to “revisiting” the conversation on federal data privacy legislation, key stakeholders on Capitol Hill and around Washington are already planning ahead to the 117th Congress for a long-awaited comprehensive privacy bill to come along.

At least 10 federal data privacy bills were introduced in the last two years from a bipartisan group of Senate and House lawmakers, according to estimates from the Electronic Privacy Information Center, a privacy advocacy group. Experts say the number of bills and diversity of voices in the debate underscore what they see as unwavering cross-party support for crafting a US standard and indicates that privacy will continue to be top-of-mind in Congress no matter who is leading the legislative or executive branches next year.

“The key question is not as much who wins and loses as it is, ‘Where’s this gonna stack up amongst the relative priorities?’” for Congress, said Craig Albright, vice president of legislative strategy at BSA | The Software Alliance.


Original Posting: https://morningconsult.com/2020/09/22/congress-data-privacy-bill-future/

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Michael O’Brien

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