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Twenty-seven percent of personal computers in Singapore use unlicensed software with dollars losses reaching US$235 million, leaving significant numbers of users still exposed to crippling cybersecurity attacks, according to findings from Software Management: Security Imperative, Business Opportunity, the latest 2018 Global Software Survey from BSA | The Software Alliance. 阅读更多信息

press release

JUN 04, 2018

Même si l’utilisation de logiciels sans licence est la cause de cyberattaques, les possesseurs d’ordinateur en Belgique utilisent de nombreux logiciels pour PC sans licences adéquates. C’est ce qui ressort de l’étude Global Software Survey, menée par BSA | The Software Alliance auprès des consommateurs, des gestionnaires informatiques et des gens qui utilisent des PC d’entreprise. 阅读更多信息

press release

MAY 25, 2016

Despite recent improvements, the widespread use of unlicensed software exposes European businesses to cyber threats and risks jeopardizing the objectives of the recently adopted Network and Information Security (NIS) Directive, according to the new Global Software Survey from BSA | The Software Alliance, Seizing Opportunity Through License Compliance. 阅读更多信息

press release

MAY 24, 2016