NOV 27, 2019 | US
Cantwell, Senate Democrats Unveil Privacy Bill With Consumer Right of Action
Communications Daily, November 27, 2019
By Karl Herchenroeder
Led by Senate Commerce Committee ranking member Maria Cantwell, Senate Democrats Tuesday unveiled federal privacy legislation. “Consumers deserve two things: privacy rights and a strong law to enforce them,” Cantwell said in a statement. “They should be like your Miranda rights -- clear as a bell as to what they are and what constitutes a violation.”
The bill reflects Democratic values, but “any privacy bill will need bipartisan support to become law,” Chairman Roger Wicker said in a statement. “I am committed to continuing to work with the ranking member and my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to get a bill that can get across the finish line. I expect that we will have a bill to discuss at next week’s hearing.” The committee is holding a data privacy hearing Dec. 4.
Any lasting privacy solution will need to be bipartisan, said BSA | The Software Alliance Vice President – Legislative Strategy Craig Albright. BSA applauded inclusion of “the distinct role of service providers so consumers have clarity about how to exercise their rights.” BSA doesn’t agree with everything in the bill.
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