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OCT 09, 2020 | US

Exclusive: Tech Coalition Opposes Trump Anti-Racism Training Ban

Axios, October 9, 2020

By Ashley Gold

A group of 11 technology, software and advertising organizations is calling on the Trump administration to rescind an executive order intended to stop federal agencies and contractors from conducting anti-racism trainings.

The letter sent Thursday to the Office of Management and Budget and the U.S. Department of Labor, organized by tech trade group the Information Technology Industry Council, is also signed by the Alliance for Digital Innovation, the American Association of Advertising Agencies, BSA | The Software Alliance, the Cybersecurity Coalition, the Entertainment Software Association, Internet Association, TechNet, NCTA - The Internet and Television Association, XR Association and the HR Policy Association.

The groups, which represent thousands of government contractors, say in the letter they will be directly affected by the executive order's requirements to restrict existing diversity, equity and inclusion programs.


Original Posting: https://www.axios.com/tech-coalition-opposes-trump-anti-racism-training-ban-962a37bd-d8ba-4190-9103-d736cade8cb5.html


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Michael O’Brien

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