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DEC 09, 2014 | US

Data Myths and Realities at The National Press Club

As part of The National Press Club’s Newsmaker series, BSA | The Software Alliance convened an expert discussion about how data really works, the promise of continued innovation and the need to foster a policy environment that ensures society captures the maximum possible benefit.

Event Highlights Video (4:25):

Click here to watch the full panel discussion.

Video Segments:
Moderated by Frank Maisano; panelists include:

Thanks to innovative new software, vast computing power and connected devices, we have entered a new era of data innovation. It is changing the way the world identifies problems, and it is giving us new tools to solve them. The benefits of this innovation extend to nearly every aspect of business, the economy and modern society, but the increasing abundance of data also has raised questions for many people, and it has fed misperceptions.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014, at 2 p.m.

The National Press Club – 529 14th St. NW, 13th Floor, Washington, DC 20045

For more information, contact BSA Communications Manager Kara Kelber at (202) 266-2526 or [email protected].


BSA | The Software Alliance (www.bsa.org) es el principal defensor de la industria global del software ante los gobiernos y en el mercado internacional. Sus miembros se encuentran entre las compañías más innovadoras del mundo, creando soluciones de software que impulsan la economía y mejoran la vida moderna.

Con sede central en Washington, DC y operaciones en más de 30 países, BSA es pionera en programas de cumplimiento normativo diseñados para fomentar el uso legal de software, y apoya políticas públicas que incentivan la innovación tecnológica e impulsan el crecimiento de la economía digital.


Michael O’Brien

Correo electrónico: [email protected]

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