MAY 30, 2017 | MALAYSIA
BSA | The Software Alliance and CyberSecurity Malaysia jointly promote greater use of legal and licensed software amongst Malaysians
Computer users in Malaysia continue to use illegal and unlicensed software at an alarming rate despite its associated links with cyberattacks.
Kuala Lumpur, May 31, 2017 – BSA | The Software Alliance (BSA) and CyberSecurity Malaysia (CSM) today announced they will join forces to promote greater use of legal and licensed software amongst computer users in the country, as a first line of defence against potential cyberattacks.
Speaking at a news conference this morning, Gary Gan (), Director – Compliance Programs, Asia Pacific, BSA said: “Computer users in Malaysia continue to use illegal and unlicensed software at an alarming rate despite its associated links with cyberattacks. The 2015 Global Software Survey by BSA, Seizing Opportunity Through License Compliance, reveals the rate of unlicensed software installation in Malaysia is at 53 percent, equating to a commercial value of US$456 million.”
Gan adds, “The survey also warned against consumers, IT managers, and enterprise PC users using unlicensed software in their computers and IT infrastructures. The survey highlighted that when unlicensed software is used, the likelihood of encountering malware dramatically increases.”
“BSA has always worked closely with various government agencies and ministries in promoting the use of legal and licensed software. The commitment shown by the Enforcement Division of the Ministry of Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism (MDTCC) under the strong leadership of its Director of Enforcement, Yang Berbahagia Dato’ Mohd Roslan bin Mahayuddin is highly commendable. Although the rate of unlicensed software installation in the country remains at an all-time low of 53 percent, there is still much work to be done to rid the use of unlicensed software in Malaysia.
“As a foreign non-profit organization with limited resources, BSA always seeks like-minded partners with similar objectives. As such, BSA would like to thank Yang Berbahagia Dato' Dr. Haji Amirudin Bin Abdul Wahab, Chief Executive Officer of CyberSecurity Malaysia for agreeing to join forces with us in promoting the greater use of legal and licensed software amongst computer users as the first line of defense against future cyberattacks.”
While the terms of the BSA/CSM joint collaborative effort have yet to be finalized, both organizations have agreed in principal to begin promoting each other’s brand and highlight their shared goals. Other initiatives being considered include a cyber court training for magistrates and prosecutors, training company directors on the dangers and risks associated with using unlicensed software, and participation in the annual CyberSecurity Malaysia - Awards, Conference & Exhibition (CSM-ACE) scheduled later in the year.
Yang Berbahagia Dato' Dr. Haji Amirudin Bin Abdul Wahab, Chief Executive Officer of CyberSecurity Malaysia echoed BSA’s call saying, “As the nation’s cyber security specialist agency, CyberSecurity welcomes BSA’s timely invitation to work together at this critical time. We are ready and look forward to co-operate with them on a reciprocal basis.”
Dato' Dr. Haji Amirudin continues, “BSA is the perfect partner for CSM due to our shared objectives – to encourage corporate Malaysia to use legal and licensed software. It is critical that consumers, IT managers, and enterprise PC users do not underestimate the seriousness of cyberattacks. They should take the necessary precautions to prevent against such cyberattacks in future.”
Reiterating his advice against the use of illegal and unlicensed software, Dato’ Dr. Haji Amirudin says, “Users of illegal and unlicensed software should be aware they cannot update their IT systems with regular updates released by software developers and owners unlike those who use legal and licensed software. Therefore, their computers or IT infrastructure are more vulnerable and highly susceptible to possible hacking by cybercriminals. Only the use of legal and licensed software can help reduce the risk of cyberattacks against your organisation’s computers and IT infrastructure. The use of legal and licensed software should be part and parcel of Malaysian companies’ ethics.”
About BSA | The Software Alliance
BSA | The Software Alliance ( is the leading advocate for the global software industry before governments and in the international marketplace. Its members are among the world’s most innovative companies, creating software solutions that spark the economy and improve modern life. With headquarters in Washington, DC, and operations in more than 60 countries, BSA pioneers compliance programs that promote legal software use and advocates for public policies that foster technology innovation and drive growth in the digital economy.
Media Contact
Ching Yee Sing, WYSE Communications (m): +60 12-3401816(e): [email protected]
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