The Development of AI Requires Sound Data Innovation Policies: Venkatesh Krishnamoorthy, BSA
Express Computer, July 29, 2019
By Srikanth RP
Venkatesh Krishnamoorthy, country manager, India, for BSA | The Software Alliance says, “India is one of the fastest growing economies and the exponential increase in data, combined with increases in remote computing power and development of more sophisticated algorithms, has fueled advances in machine learning and AI. Capitalizing on these capabilities to facilitate the development of AI requires sound data innovation policies that (1) ensure data can move freely across borders, (2) guarantee open access to government data, (3) facilitate the development of value-added data services, and (4) maintain predictable, technology-neutral competition policies.”
Original Posting: https://www.expresscomputer.in/artificial-intelligence-ai/the-development-of-ai-requires-sound-data-innovation-policies-venkatesh-krishnamoorthy-bsa/38224/
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