Commerce Secretary Sees US, EU Writing ‘Rules of the Road’ on AI
Wall Street Journal, June 26, 2021
By Jared Council
The US and the European Union should be leading the development of artificial intelligence policies and standards that address ethical issues such as bias, a Biden administration cabinet member said Thursday during a virtual event.
AI has great promise, but can also produce harmful outcomes, such as making discriminatory decisions, said US Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo during a discussion hosted by BSA | The Software Alliance, a trade group.
She was joined in the discussion by Margrethe Vestager, executive vice president of the European Commission. She and Ms. Raimondo each have seats on the technology council. Ms. Vestager said it is time Western democracies collaborated on instilling values in technology policies.
“I think that is the main message in the geopolitical situation that we’re in right now: That all democracies with shared values should come together and show that we can deliver,” Ms. Vestager said.
Original Posting: https://www.wsj.com/articles/commerce-secretary-sees-u-s-eu-writing-rules-of-the-road-on-ai-11624640423
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