How the US is Taking Cues From Europe on Tech Policy
Axios, December 16, 2021
By Neha Alawadhi
Europe is leading the way, marking a notable shift in the setting of global standards, as Congress and US regulators slowly figure out how America could regulate the digital economy.
US policymakers have shown interest in at least four specific areas of Europe's work in the tech regulation arena: competition, content moderation, privacy, and AI. However, despite all of its posturing and hearings with high-level tech executives, Congress has failed to act on new legislation for the tech industry. Meanwhile, Europe has forged ahead with comprehensive regulations.
"We have different systems for creating and implementing new policies, which sometimes leads one government or another to act more quickly," said Aaron Cooper, vice president of global policy for BSA | The Software Alliance. "But what’s important is that there are similar objectives."
Original Posting: How the U.S. is taking cues from Europe on tech policy - Axios
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