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많은 웹사이트와 마찬가지로, BSA의 웹사이트는 쿠키를 사용하여 해당 웹사이트의 효율적인 기능을 보장하고 당사 사용자에게 최상의 경험을 제공합니다. 당사의 쿠키 사용법 및 귀하의 브라우저 쿠키 설정을 변경하는 법에 대한 자세한 내용은 당사의 쿠키 취급방침에서 더 알아보실 수 있습니다. 쿠키 설정을 변경하지 않고 이 사이트를 계속 이용함으로써 귀하는 당사의 쿠키 사용에 동의하시는 게 됩니다.


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Flood protection has blocked this Solr request. See more at The Acquia Search flood control mechanism has blocked a Solr query due to API usage limits

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U.S. Department of Commerce, April 14, 2022. Victoria Espinel, BSA: The Software Alliance is named as one of the newly appointed members of 27 experts to the National Artificial Intelligence Advisory Committee (NAIAC). Members will advise the President and the National AI Initiative Office on a range of issues related to artificial intelligence (AI). Committee members were nominated by the public as expert leaders from a broad and interdisciplinary range of AI-relevant disciplines from across academia, industry, non-profits and civil society. 더 읽기

bsa in the news

APR 14, 2022

FedScoop, April 14, 2022. The Department of Commerce appointed 27 experts Thursday to its committee tasked with advising the White House on artificial intelligence issues. BSA | Software Alliance is named as having representatives that are members. The committee will also establish a subcommittee on the use of AI in law enforcement to advise on bias, data security, adoptability, and legal standards around privacy and civil rights. 더 읽기

bsa in the news

APR 14, 2022

Politico, April 11, 2022. The Biden administration’s public comment period asking for advice on what should – and should not – be included in the proposed IPEF deal ends today. The Regulations.gov website says that USTR had received over 1,000 comments on its portion of the IPEF negotiations, including comments from BSA | The Software Alliance. 더 읽기

bsa in the news

APR 11, 2022