FEB 28, 2017 | US
BSA | The Software Alliance Statement on the President's 2017 Trade Policy Agenda
WASHINGTON – March 1, 2017 – Today the Administration released its 2017 Trade Policy Agenda, outlining priorities for the year. The President’s Agenda lays out general approaches, and BSA looks forward to working with the Administration and Congress on issues of importance to the software industry that are crucial to continued US leadership and innovation. BSA is pleased the agenda recognizes problems caused by restrictions on the flow of data across borders, as well as unauthorized use of American intellectual property, and the need for increased IP protections. The Administration’s prioritization of efforts to ensure data can flow across borders and to oppose data localization is essential for American competitiveness and job growth.
A Business Software Alliance (www.bsa.org) é a principal defensora do setor global de software perante governos e no mercado internacional. Seus membros estão entre as empresas mais inovadoras do mundo, criando soluções de software que estimulam a economia e melhoram a vida moderna.