NOV 09, 2021 | US
NIST Workshop Participants Raise Concerns Over Conformance for Software Security Standards, Use of Artifacts
Inside Cybersecurity, November 9, 2021
By Sara Friedman
NIST officials and industry leaders discussed different approaches for how conformance can be determined without reaching for a distinct conclusion on the best possible outcome, at a NIST workshop on Monday to gather feedback on upcoming executive order requirements.
BSA asks how “how software developers would demonstrate conformance with the practices or tasks identified” in the SSDF.
“Once NIST (and subsequently OMB pursuant to Section 4(k) of the EO) determines the requirements, how will the US Government determine if software conforms to its requirements, and who will attest that conformance has been demonstrated?” BSA commented. “If self-attestation is insufficient and a third-party is required, will NIST act as the third party and if not, what organization will?”
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A Business Software Alliance ( é a principal defensora do setor global de software perante governos e no mercado internacional. Seus membros estão entre as empresas mais inovadoras do mundo, criando soluções de software que estimulam a economia e melhoram a vida moderna.