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Politico Digital First Daily, July 26, 2022. Victoria Espinel, CEO of the Business Software Alliance and a member of the National AI Advisory Committee, comments on Europe's AI Act and NIST's incomplete guidelines.  Leia mais

bsa in the news

JUL 26, 2022

Protocol Policy, June 6, 2022. “We have concerns about whether the bill could result in a new wave of nuisance lawsuits and look forward to reviewing the bill further,” Craig Albright, vice president of Legislative Strategy at BSA | The Software Alliance, said in a statement. Leia mais

bsa in the news

JUN 06, 2022

Public Citizen, May 20, 2022. BSA | The Software Alliance, was named as an organization calling for a prohibition of the “improper digital policies or practices that undermine data security and economic opportunity in the United States and among like-minded allies, including:… forced technology transfer requirements (e.g., source code transfer mandates); source code and encryption key disclosure/access mandates; [among others].” Leia mais

bsa in the news

MAY 20, 2022

The Washingtonian, May 18, 2022. Espinel, a Georgetown-trained lawyer and intellectual-property czar in the Obama administration, leads this group whose members include Microsoft, Adobe, and IBM. It’s pushing the Biden administration and Congress to write new rules that it says maximize the upsides of tech, such as AI, while mitigating its negative effects. Leia mais

bsa in the news

MAY 18, 2022