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Flood protection has blocked this Solr request. See more at The Acquia Search flood control mechanism has blocked a Solr query due to API usage limits



Etiquetas adicionais

Tagesspiegel Background, April 11, 2024. BSA | The Software Alliance Director General, Policy — EMEA Thomas Boué discusses the cross-industry letter led by the Global Data Alliance supporting the EUCS. Leia mais

bsa in the news

APR 11, 2024

POLITICO Europe, June 14. Four major lobby groups — ITI, CCIA Europe, BSA and Amcham EU — Tuesday released a statement saying requirements aimed at boosting Europe’s sovereignty over the cloud sector “are politically motivated, will create complex legal compliance procedures and will not add to increased levels of cybersecurity.” Leia mais

bsa in the news

JUN 14, 2022

Bloomberg Law, January 3, 2019. Following Vietnam’s Law on Cybersecurity that entered into force on January 1, 2019, Bloomberg highlighted BSA’s view that it is imperative for the Government of Vietnam to ensure that, in implementing the Law, a flexible approach is taken that accommodates a wide range of sectors and that also recognizes and incorporates the international data transfer mechanisms in existence today. Leia mais

bsa in the news

JAN 02, 2019