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COVID-19 presents one of the most complex challenges governments around the world have faced in modern times. As you consider options for responding to this challenge, BSA | The Software Alliance seeks to support decisions that maximize public health and safety while maintaining essential functions that millions of citizens depend on for critical business and personal, including healthcare needs. Leia mais

policy filing

MAR 26, 2020

This fireside chat is part of Microsoft’s Regional Media Event in Singapore. BSA's Jared Ragland speaks on a panel and shares BSA’s views on cybersecurity policy issues. Other panelists include Andrew Cooke of Microsoft and Dr Biplab Sikdar from National University of Singapore, moderated by Microsoft’s Mary Jo Schrade. Leia mais


APR 10, 2019

The Edge Malaysia, July 30, 2018. The article highlights BSA’s call on Malaysia to liberalize heavily regulated sectors, such as health and financial, to boost the adoption rate of cloud computing in businesses. Jared Ragland, Senior Director, Policy — APAC, said governments should be developing regulations that, on the one hand, set a platform for trust so that consumers and enterprises have the confidence to utilize the technology but, on the other hand, create an enabling environment for technological innovations within the industry. Leia mais

bsa in the news

JUL 29, 2018

Twenty-seven percent of personal computers in Singapore use unlicensed software with dollars losses reaching US$235 million, leaving significant numbers of users still exposed to crippling cybersecurity attacks, according to findings from Software Management: Security Imperative, Business Opportunity, the latest 2018 Global Software Survey from BSA | The Software Alliance. Leia mais

press release

JUN 04, 2018