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e-Evidence: Member States Fail to Ease Citizen and Business Concerns on Data Seizure

BRUSSELS – 7 DECEMBER 2018 – Today’s decision by the EU’s Justice and Home Affairs Ministers to approve a ‘General Approach’ on the draft e-Evidence Regulation risks undermining the protection of citizens and enterprise data across Europe. BSA | The Software Alliance, representing the global software industry, is deeply concerned that the Council’s final text severely limits the ability for businesses to scrutinize, assess and challenge judicial orders. This will not only pave the way for easier data access by law enforcement, but also increases the risk of fundamental rights abuses. In line with the position of the eight dissenting EU member states, BSA urges EU law makers to add additional safeguards to challenge unlawful orders.

“This is a disappointing text, clearly in conflict with the European Commission’s initial and promising proposal. We seriously doubt that the Council’s approach will deliver upon the initial goal of an effective law enforcement procedure. We need to be able to properly protect our customers’ data from abusive production orders,” said Thomas Boué, Director General – Policy, EMEA.

Additionally, the approach taken by Member States lacks the needed clarifications on liability while simultaneously introducing a disproportionate sanctions regime (2% of annual global turnover) for companies that fail to disclose data.

“BSA member companies need stronger liability clarifications in this future legal framework. Exposure and risk for companies which handle cross-border data can be very high. Clear and predictable measures is a perquisite for a workable solution. We now call on the European Parliament to help produce a balanced text that will allow law enforcement to do its job but also provide the necessary safeguards for business and citizens,” added Boué.

关于 BSA

BSA |“软件联盟”(www.bsa.org) 是全球软件行业的主要倡导者,旨在代表该行业,向政府和国际市场发声。其成员包括全球最具创新力的公司,这些公司制定的软件解决方案,不但能够刺激经济,还能提升现代生活的品质。

BSA 的总部位于华盛顿特区,其营运机构遍布 30 多个国家。BSA 凭借这些机构,率先涉足合规项目,以期促进使用合法软件、倡导制定公共政策,并以此培养技术创新能力,以及推动发展数字经济。


Michael O’Brien

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