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BSA | 软件联盟最新发布的《2016 年 BSA |软件联盟全球云计算计分卡》报告表明,中国在IT市场规模占据全球80%的24个评分国家里位列第23名。中国在改善IT基础设施方面成果显著,但同时在云计算法律监管环境方面尚有提升空间。 阅读更多信息

press release

APR 26, 2016

SOUTH AFRICA — April 26, 2016— In a new, far-reaching study by BSA | The Software Alliance that assessed cloud computing policies around the globe, South Africa ranks 14th out of 24 leading IT economies, compared to its ranking of 20th in 2013. This is a sign that the legal and regulatory environment for cloud computing in the country is encouraging cloud innovation. 阅读更多信息

press release

APR 25, 2016