APR 02, 2018 | US
Data Minefield? How AI is Prodding Governments to Rethink Trade in Data
Centre for International Governance Innovation, April 3, 2018
By Susan Ariel Aaronson
Every day, large amounts of data flows course through the internet, over borders and between individuals, firms and governments to power the internet and associated technologies…Because many of these data flows are directly or indirectly associated with a commercial transaction, they are essentially traded. AI applications, “which use computational analysis of data to uncover patterns and draw inferences, depend on machine learning technologies that must ingest huge volumes of data, most often from a wide variety of sources” (BSA 2017).
Original Posting: https://www.cigionline.org/articles/data-minefield-how-ai-prodding-governments-rethink-trade-data
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