JUL 18, 2016 | US
BSA | The Software Alliance Welcomes Release of the Republican Tech Platform
WASHINGTON — July 19, 2016 — BSA | The Software Alliance is pleased to see a number of bipartisan technology issues highlighted in the 2016 Republican platform. The platform recognizes the importance of the free flow of data across borders and the protection of intellectual property. It also calls for a balanced conversation about encryption and a consensus solution. The success of the tech industry is critical to the US economy. Finding common ground on tech issues will help ensure a robust digital economy for years to come.
Earlier this year, BSA joined more than a dozen technology trade associations in developing the first-ever Technology Sector Presidential Platform, designed to urge the 2016 presidential candidates to consider issues and implement policies that harness the power of technology, create jobs, grow the economy, foster innovation, and continue to improve the lives of all Americans.
BSA 소개
소프트웨어 연합(Business Software Alliance, 이하 BSA)(www.bsa.org)은 각국 정부를 대상으로 세계 시장에서 전 세계 소프트웨어 업계를 대변하고 옹호하는 선도적 연합체입니다. 세계의 가장 혁신적 기업들이 회원사로 참여하며 경제에 활기를 불어 넣고 현대의 생활을 향상시키는 소프트웨어 솔루션을 만들어 내고 있습니다.