The New York Times Gets Victoria Espinel's Point of View on New Data Pact
The New York Times, February 3, 2016
By Mark Scott
Europe’s national privacy agencies demanded more details on Wednesday about whether the European Union’s new data transfer agreement with the United States would adequately protect individuals’ personal information.
The move by the privacy regulators, which represent individual countries within the 28-nation European Union, indicates an unwillingness to accept the word of officials in Brussels that they can adequately safeguard citizens’ personal data.
Victoria A. Espinel, president of the Software Alliance, a trade group in Washington, underlined the implications the deal could have.“Half a trillion dollars of trade is at stake,” she said. “We still expect that cool heads will prevail.”
Original Posting: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/02/04/technology/european-privacy-regulators-want-more-details-on-us-safe-harbor-data-deal.html?_r=0
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