JAN 10, 2020 | US
Sen. Rosen Talks STEM Bill, Tech Innovation
Bloomberg Government, January 10, 2020
By Rebecca Kern and Giuseppe Macri
“I’m proud that Nevada is leading the nation in innovation and software job growth,” Senator Jacky Rosen told Bloomberg Government. “I will continue to support legislation, like my bipartisan Building Blocks of STEM that was recently signed into law, to ensure that the Silver State is educating and training the workforce of tomorrow.”
Rosen and Victoria Espinel, president and CEO of BSA | The Software Alliance, co-authored an opinion article yesterday in the Las Vegas Sun noting that Nevada has the fastest-growing software job sector in the country.
Original Posting: https://about.bgov.com/news/tech-cyber-briefing-ces-debates-breaking-up-big-tech/
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