DEC 10, 2020 | US
FTC, Commerce Dept. Leaders: Dissolution of US-EU Privacy Shield Framework Puts Small Business at Risk
Inside Cybersecurity, December 10, 2020
By Sara Friedman
The impact of the European Union Court of Justice’s decision to invalidate a framework for transatlantic data transfers is having a direct impact on US small businesses that will need to spend more money to do business with EU countries, according to testimony from FTC and Commerce Department officials.
Victoria Espinel, President and CEO of BSA | The Software Alliance, emphasized the need for a “trusted mechanism” to replace Privacy Shield and to develop an “enhanced successor” to the framework in her testimony.
“In its decision invalidating the Privacy Shield, the CJEU focused on concerns around two specific US intelligence-gathering programs, including whether those programs appropriately safeguard privacy and fundamental rights, whether they are subject to independent oversight, and whether they provide EU data subjects with rights to judicial redress,” Espinel said. “Given the targeted nature of the Court’s concerns, we are optimistic the US Government and European Commission can work together to address them.”
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