MAR 24, 2022 | US
Industry Seeks Consensus on Government’s Secure Software Compliance Process
FedScoop, March 24, 2022
By Dave Nyczepir
Government and industry need to reach consensus on a supply chain maturity model allowing tech companies to definitively prove they’re in compliance with the recently mandated federal framework for secure software development, experts say.
Exactly which artifacts — like threat models, log entries, source code files and vulnerability scan reports — and relevant metadata agencies should require companies to present in support of their attestations they meet federal software requirements remains up for debate.
If OMB does intend on requiring audits, it needs to ensure qualified auditors exist — lest companies struggle to bring their software to government, said Henry Young, director of policy at the Business Software Alliance.
“If you’re going to require third-party attestation, there needs to be a third party,” Young said.
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