EU: European Parliament Public Hearing on Artificial Intelligence
April 28, 2022
Speaker: Matteo Quattrocchi, Director, Policy – EMEA, BSA | The Software Alliance
BSA’s Matteo Quattrocchi speaks at a public hearing on the importance of artificial intelligence in the EU Single Market and vice versa, convened by the European Parliament’s EPP Group.
The expert panel focusing on “the potential of artificial intelligence for fundamental rights, cybersecurity, and innovation” includes:
- Matteo Quattrocchi, Director, Policy – EMEA, BSA | The Software Alliance
- Raluca Csernatoni, Visiting Scholar, Carnegie Europe
- Mark Brakel, Director of European Policy, Future of Life Institute
- Gerd Müller, Sales Director EU Institutions and Vice Chairman of the Board, European Organisation for Security
The panel discussion will be moderated by Karlo Ressler MEP.
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