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많은 웹사이트와 마찬가지로, BSA의 웹사이트는 쿠키를 사용하여 해당 웹사이트의 효율적인 기능을 보장하고 당사 사용자에게 최상의 경험을 제공합니다. 당사의 쿠키 사용법 및 귀하의 브라우저 쿠키 설정을 변경하는 법에 대한 자세한 내용은 당사의 쿠키 취급방침에서 더 알아보실 수 있습니다. 쿠키 설정을 변경하지 않고 이 사이트를 계속 이용함으로써 귀하는 당사의 쿠키 사용에 동의하시는 게 됩니다.


OCT 25, 2022 | GLOBAL

BSA Releases New Cyber Agenda to Advance Digital Transformation

 2023 Agenda Highlights Policy Priorities to Strengthen Cybersecurity

WASHINGTON – October 25, 2022 – BSA | The Software Alliance, the leading advocate for the global software industry before governments and in the international marketplace, today released its 2023 Global Cyber Agenda, “Enhancing Cyber Policy, Advancing Digital Transformation.” The agenda’s release comes during International Cybersecurity Awareness Month and at a time when cybersecurity policy is developing quickly around the world.

BSA’s 2023 agenda highlights the need for policymakers to develop cybersecurity rules that are based on best practices, outcome-focused, and harmonized within and between countries. It also highlights the need to anticipate security in emerging technologies, invest in modern IT infrastructure, and develop a cyber workforce for the future.

Companies around the world are harnessing digital transformation. International Cybersecurity Awareness Month is an important time for software developers, governments, and businesses to highlight that we all have a role in securing our data and networks.

“Secure software and strong cybersecurity practices are not only important for the technology sector. Effective regulation that is appropriately targeted and encourages the use of best practices is needed to drive economic growth and create jobs as companies in all industries undergo digital transformation,” said Henry Young, Director, Policy at BSA | The Software Alliance. “BSA looks forward to working with governments around the world to make meaningful, coordinated progress on the important cybersecurity issues that will affect our security and continued growth.”

BSA Global Cyber Agenda prioritizes the following policy recommendations:

  • Encourage Public-Private Collaboration to increase the likelihood that a law or policy achieves its intended outcome while minimizing unintended consequences.
  • Support Integrated Risk Management Practices to ensure the most direct path toward improved cybersecurity and a more secure digital ecosystem.
  • Incentivize Innovation with laws and policies that achieve better cybersecurity outcomes.
  • Prioritize Cybersecurity Over Politics to ensure continued cybersecurity improvements and avoid protectionist policies.

 To read the full agenda, visit: https://www.bsa.org/policy-filings/enhancing-cyber-policy-advancing-digital-transformation-bsas-2023-global-cyber-agenda

BSA 소개

소프트웨어 연합(BSA | The Software Alliance, 이하 BSA)(www.bsa.org)은 각국 정부를 대상으로 세계 시장에서 전 세계 소프트웨어 업계를 대변하고 옹호하는 선도적 연합체입니다. 세계의 가장 혁신적 기업들이 회원사로 참여하며 경제에 활기를 불어 넣고 현대의 생활을 향상시키는 소프트웨어 솔루션을 만들어 내고 있습니다.

워싱턴 DC에 본부를 두고, 30개국이 넘는 국가들에서 운영되는 BSA는, 합법적 소프트웨어 사용을 증진시키고 기술 혁신을 촉진하며 디지털 경제의 성장을 추진하는 공공 정책을 지지하는 준법 프로그램들을 선도합니다.

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Michael O’Brien

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