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The 10th Annual European Cyber Security Conference

Speaker: Hadrien Valembois, Senior Manager, Policy – EMEA, BSA | The Software Alliance

The European Cyber Security Conference returns to Brussels this March for its 10th edition. Gathering leading policymakers, industry players, and high-level cybersecurity and defense experts, this Forum Europe conference, organized in partnership with the European Cyber Security Organisation (ECSO), will explore Europe’s response to cybersecurity issues in a dynamically evolving global risk landscape and what the next steps for all actors of the ecosystem should be to create a safe and secure environment allowing Europe to leverage the tremendous socio-economic benefits offered by digital technologies.

Panel 1: Reinforcing cyber security and resilience in Europe: How do the EU’s policies and strategic autonomy ambitions fit in an ever-changing cyber risk landscape?

The EU’s cybersecurity policy agenda has steadily advanced in the past decade. Russia’s war on Ukraine has demonstrated the need for an up-to-date, future-proof regulatory framework that prepares Europe for an ever-growing threat landscape, reinforces the EU’s industrial and technological capacities to reduce dependencies, enhances its strategic autonomy, and drives its leadership in cybersecurity forward. Accelerating the implementation of NIS2 and CER to protect our critical infrastructure is now deemed paramount. Several legislative files and projects aiming to complement the EU Cybersecurity framework are currently in the making. This session will ask if the latest cybersecurity initiatives that aim to increase trust and security in essential products and services, such as the CRA, the EUCS and certification and standardization schemes, are truly fit-for-purpose, and the extent to which they will fulfill the ambition of creating a robust cybersecurity landscape in which a thriving European cybersecurity market can be developed, allowing the region to become a global leader in this area and supporting its drive for strategic autonomy in the digital domain.


  • Moderator: Visiola Pula, Cybersecurity Senior Analyst, Cullen International
  • Hadrien Valembois from BSA | The Software Alliance
  • Christiane Kirketerp de Viron, Head of Unit Cybersecurity and Digital Privacy Policy, DG CONNECT, European Commission
  • Miguel Angel Amutio Gómez, Deputy Director General for Cybersecurity Planning and Coordination General Secretariat for Digital Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation, Spain
  • Luigi Rebuffi, Secretary General and founder, ECSO

More Information: https://eucybersecurity.com/

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