Secure, Resilient, Responsible: National Cyber Strategy in Focus
Speaker: Henry Young, Director, Policy, BSA | The Software Alliance
BSA’s Henry Young leads a discussion on Pillar 3 of the National Cyber Strategy with members of the Office of the National Cyber Director and Office of the Federal CIO.
Earlier this month, BSA called the newly released National Cyber Strategy a thoughtful path toward a more secure and resilient cybersecurity ecosystem. Makers of enterprise software take seriously their responsibilities to customers and the public, and continuously work to evolve the security of their products to meet new threats.
- Moderator: Henry Young from BSA | The Software Alliance
- Anjana Rajan, Assistant National Cyber Director for Technology Security, Office of the National Cyber Director
- Nick Leiserson, Assistant National Cyber Director for Policy and Programs, Office of the National Cyber Director
- Mitch Herckis, Director of Federal Cybersecurity, Office of the Federal CIO
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