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많은 웹사이트와 마찬가지로, BSA의 웹사이트는 쿠키를 사용하여 해당 웹사이트의 효율적인 기능을 보장하고 당사 사용자에게 최상의 경험을 제공합니다. 당사의 쿠키 사용법 및 귀하의 브라우저 쿠키 설정을 변경하는 법에 대한 자세한 내용은 당사의 쿠키 취급방침에서 더 알아보실 수 있습니다. 쿠키 설정을 변경하지 않고 이 사이트를 계속 이용함으로써 귀하는 당사의 쿠키 사용에 동의하시는 게 됩니다.



US Delivers on Privacy: BSA Welcomes Progress in EU-US Data Privacy Framework

BRUSSELS BSA | The Software Alliance welcomes the European Commission’s publication of its first review report of the EU-US Data Privacy Framework (DPF) and is pleased to see it confirming that the US authorities have successfully put in place all the necessary elements required to support the framework’s data protection standards, ensuring continuity and seamless data transfers across the Atlantic.

 The report specifically highlights these measures, including the implementation of critical safeguards to ensure that national security authorities’ access to personal data is limited to what is strictly necessary and proportionate. BSA believes this step marks a crucial milestone in building trust and transparency in transatlantic data flows. 

"We’re delighted to see that the US has delivered on its commitment to create a solid foundation for the DPF," Aaron Cooper, Senior Vice President, Global Policy at BSA said. "The establishment of an independent redress mechanism adds another layer of accountability, giving individuals the confidence that their privacy rights will be protected." 

However, the report’s conclusion also identifies a few areas that require continued attention to ensure the DPF’s stability. Notably, it calls for the US Department of Commerce, FTC, and EU Data Protection Authorities to develop unified guidance on the DPF's "key requirements," specifically regarding human resources data and onward transfers. 

"This recommendation highlights the importance of ongoing collaboration to ensure the framework remains robust," remarked Thomas Boué, BSA’s Director General – Policy EMEA. "As we move forward, all stakeholders must keep up the momentum to strengthen the framework’s implementation. Data flows between the EU and the US are the lifeblood of innovation and economic growth, and we will continue to ensure that they operate under the highest standards of privacy protection.” 

BSA strongly supports Transatlantic data flows, which remain significant to both Europe and the US, representing over half of Europe’s data transfers and nearly as much for the US. For businesses of all sizes, these seamless data exchanges are essential—they facilitate reaching customers, managing supply chains, driving research, and enhancing service delivery. Equally important is the need to assure citizens on both sides that their personal data is handled with the utmost privacy and security during these transfers. To this end, BSA and its Global Data Alliance have been steadfast advocates of the EU-US DPF, actively guiding our members on its principles and compliance requirements. Earlier this year, we endorsed the review process, recognizing its significance in supporting secure and transparent data flows between the EU and the US.

BSA 소개

소프트웨어 연합(Business Software Alliance, 이하 BSA)(www.bsa.org)은 각국 정부를 대상으로 세계 시장에서 전 세계 소프트웨어 업계를 대변하고 옹호하는 선도적 연합체입니다. 세계의 가장 혁신적 기업들이 회원사로 참여하며 경제에 활기를 불어 넣고 현대의 생활을 향상시키는 소프트웨어 솔루션을 만들어 내고 있습니다.

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Michael O’Brien

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