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JAN 22, 2025 | US

BSA Policy Agenda Calls for Unleashing Widespread Tech Adoption

WASHINGTON With the launch of its 2025 US legislative agenda, the Business Software Alliance (BSA) emphasizes the potential for widespread adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) and business software throughout the economy and across the government. 

Four key priority areas in the policy agenda include championing the development of American AI, improving government through modernizing IT, promoting tech adoption through national harmonization, and strengthening cybersecurity by streamlining regulations. 

“With the start of a new Congress, BSA is promoting an agenda that will help businesses of all sizes and across every industry adopt AI technologies to help them grow. Unleashing widespread adoption is essential for strategic competitiveness with other global economies,” said BSA Senior Vice President of US Government Relations Craig Albright. “Technology is key to cutting costs and improving government services, and there’s a real opportunity to create a breakthrough in modernizing government IT. BSA’s 2025 policy agenda gives US government officials the actionable steps to achieve these goals.” 

Businesses, employees, and customers across the US will benefit from the range of policies outlined by BSA, including: 

  • Championing the development of American AI: Build on the work of House and Senate AI working groups to establish a national R&D strategy for AI, provide for the development of AI infrastructure, and further advance AI standards development. 
  • Modernizing government IT and procurement: Embrace procurement best practices, such as cloud computing, faster certifications, and AI technologies, to reduce costs and produce better services. 
  • Harmonizing technology laws: Establish strong and clear laws for consumer privacy and AI, and establish one set of national rules to help promote adoption of technology for businesses of all sizes. 
  • Strengthening cybersecurity by streamlining regulations: Require the harmonization of cybersecurity requirements for incident reporting, cloud security, and software security. 

Read the 2025 US Policy Agenda here.


A Business Software Alliance (www.bsa.org) é a principal defensora do setor global de software perante governos e no mercado internacional. Seus membros estão entre as empresas mais inovadoras do mundo, criando soluções de software que estimulam a economia e melhoram a vida moderna.


Michael O’Brien

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