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Flood protection has blocked this Solr request. See more at The Acquia Search flood control mechanism has blocked a Solr query due to API usage limits


BSA's Henry Young joins the Quad Open RAN Forum for a discussion with government and industry leaders on existing Open RAN deployments, the security of Open RAN networks, and how the transition to Open RAN will promote competition, security, and technological neutrality in the telecoms ecosystem. Leia mais


JUL 28, 2021

BSA's Jared Ragland and Venkatesh Krishnamoorthy participate in the 13th edition of the AISS, which will deep dive into ‘Cyber Security’ trends, threats and emphasize on its important roleplay towards transformation of India into Digital India. The three-day event brings in global thought leaders, cyber security practitioners, policy specialists and India’s new age technology innovators in cyber security. Leia mais


APR 10, 2019