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Flood protection has blocked this Solr request. See more at The Acquia Search flood control mechanism has blocked a Solr query due to API usage limits


Etiquetas adicionais

In the context of the ongoing inter-institutional (“Trilogues”) negotiations on the EU Data Act, the signatories, representing leading organizations in the technology, security and innovation sectors, highlight here key improvements in the Council’s and EU Parliament’s respective positions, and raise remaining concerns that are critical for Europe’s innovative strength and competitiveness. Leia mais

policy filing

MAY 11, 2023

BRUSSELS – April 18, 2023 – BSA | The Software Alliance welcomes today’s recommendations by the Commission to boost digital skills through training and education in Europe and the EU Cybersecurity Skills Academy. The package of proposed initiatives aims to provide much-needed training and education in digital – and especially cyber – skills for the EU workforce, which is facing a shortage of IT and cybersecurity experts.   Leia mais

press release

APR 18, 2023

BSA welcomes the EU Commission’s objective of the revision of the Product Liability Directive (PLD) to ensure the functioning of the internal market, free movement of goods, undistorted competition between market operators, and a high level of protection of consumers’ health and property. Leia mais

policy filing

MAR 14, 2023

BSA’s Thomas Boué participates in this year’s Munich Cyber Security Conference, joining an opening day panel discussion on the importance of public-private partnerships and how government-industry cooperation can work at its best. Leia mais


MAR 08, 2023