OCT 02, 2024 | US
BSA Comments on Support for New York Smart City Tech Bill
Rep. Yvette Clarke
“BSA applauds Representatives DelBene and Clarke for reintroducing the Smart Cities and Communities Act. This forward-looking legislation will help ensure local communities can widely and fairly access the benefits of smart city technology, and support investments into connected communities that are effective, less expensive, and more environmental sound,” said Craig Albright, Senior Vice President of U.S. Government Relations, BSA | The Software Alliance.
Original Posting: https://clarke.house.gov/clarke-and-delbene-introduce-legislation-to-expand-smart-city-technology/
关于 BSA
The Business Software Alliance (www.bsa.org) 是全球软件行业的主要倡导者,旨在代表该行业,向政府和国际市场发声。其成员包括全球最具创新力的公司,这些公司制定的软件解决方案,不但能够刺激经济,还能提升现代生活的品质。