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NOV 19, 2018 | BELGIUM

Belgium: ThinkDigital Summit 2018

Panel at ThinkDigital Summit 2018

ThinkDigital Summit 2018
November 20, 2018
Brussels, Belgium

  • Panel on the Ethical and Social Implications Of Artificial Intelligence
    • Pilar Del Castillo Vera, Member of European Parliament
    • Thomas Boué, Director General, Policy – EMEA, BSA | The Software Alliance
    • Göran Karlsson, AI Innovation Executive, TCS
    • Juha Heikkilä, Head of Unit, Robotics, DG CNECT, European Commission
  • Closing Session - Europe In 2019 - EU Elections Digital Challenges And Opportunities
    • Welcome address - Thomas Boué, Director General, Policy – EMEA, BSA | The Software Alliance
    • Keynote: Julian King, European Commissioner for the Security Union

On November 8, BSA sponsored the ThinkDigital Summit 2018, an event organized in Brussels by the European Business Summit. BSA supported both a panel on the “Ethical and Social Implications of Artificial Intelligence” and a closing reception to celebrate BSA’s milestone 30th anniversary.

This year’s summit looked at topics including health data, AI ethics, trust in the digital era, and more. Thomas Boué, BSA’s Director General of Policy – EMEA, joined a panel with Pilar Del Castillo Vera, Member of European Parliament, Juha Heikkilä, Head of Unit, Robotics in DG CNECT at the European Commission, and Göran Karlsson, AI Innovation Executive at TCS to discuss the “Ethical and Social Implications of Artificial Intelligence.” He presented BSA’s position that context and purpose are key when analyzing the risks and benefits of AI.

Julian King, European Commissioner for the Security Union, closed the conference with a keynote address. Thomas Boué introduced the Commissioner, opening the discussion of security in the 2019 European elections. He highlighted the digital challenges and opportunities tied to the elections from a cybersecurity perspective.

To close the event and celebrate BSA’s 30th Anniversary, Thomas Boué gave a toast to the great impact software has in Europe, including the contribution to the EU’s GDP, job creation, and more. BSA members including IBM, Symantec, Intel and Adobe joined the BSA team to celebrate the occasion.

Learn more: ThinkDigital Summit

More Photos:

Photo with Julian King at BSA's 30th anniversary

Photos with members at BSA's 30th anniversary


Die Business Software Alliance (www.bsa.org) ist die globale Stimme der Software-Industrie gegenüber Politik und Wirtschaft. Die Mitglieder der BSA gehören zu den innovativsten Unternehmen weltweit und erarbeiten neue Software-Lösungen, die die Wirtschaft antreiben und das moderne Leben von heute prägen.


Michael O’Brien

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