JAN 22, 2020 | US
A New Data Alliance is Born
Politico Morning Trade, January 22, 2020
By Adam Behsudi
A wide-ranging group of a dozen companies have formed the Global Data Alliance to put a greater focus on cross-border data flows. The alliance will advocate for policies that encourage the free flow of data across borders and push against rules that hinder the flow of data.
Members of the alliance, which was launched by BSA | The Software Alliance, include AT&T and Verizon, Mastercard and United Airlines.
Original Posting: https://www.politico.com/newsletters/morning-trade/2020/01/22/commerce-defies-congress-keeps-auto-report-under-wraps-784536
Die Business Software Alliance (www.bsa.org) ist die globale Stimme der Software-Industrie gegenüber Politik und Wirtschaft. Die Mitglieder der BSA gehören zu den innovativsten Unternehmen weltweit und erarbeiten neue Software-Lösungen, die die Wirtschaft antreiben und das moderne Leben von heute prägen.