JAN 24, 2020 | US
Time to Align on Digital Governance
CSIS, January 24, 2020
By Matthew P. Goodman
The decade ahead is likely to see a reckoning on a set of issues that broadly fall under the heading of “digital governance.” Whoever wins the global debate over the rules, standards, and norms that govern data privacy and data flows, technology standards, cybersecurity, and critical technologies will have a major competitive advantage in the economy of 2030. The outcome of this contest will also shape the security and livelihoods of Americans for years to come.
Unlike the postwar period, when the United States set most of the rules for the global economy, today there are many important players on digital issues, including the European Union, Japan, China, and the private sector.
Original Posting: https://www.csis.org/analysis/time-align-digital-governance
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