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BSA hosts a virtual roundtable with Professor Ulrich Kelber, Germany’s Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information. Participants will exchange views on the state of play of international data transfers, including the need for harmonizing data protection regulations and finding long-term solutions to legal uncertainties around cross-border data flows. Continuar leyendo


FEB 10, 2022

以下署名组织代表了在中国有业务活动或有兴趣在中国开展业务的各种规模和行业部门的公司。对于改善个人数据保护和数据治理标准的努力,我们表示支持,并欢迎为修订这两部法律的第二稿所做的努力。我们还谨此对《个人信息保护法》(PIPL)和《数据安全法》(DSL) 草案中与数据本地化和数据传输有关的某些规定表示关切。 Continuar leyendo

policy filing

JUN 02, 2021