FEB 26, 2017 | US
BSA Praises Confirmation of Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross
WASHINGTON – February 27, 2017 – BSA | The Software Alliance applauds the confirmation of Wilbur Ross as Secretary of the US Commerce Department. During his confirmation hearing, Ross expressed his commitment to the continuation of the Privacy Shield and voiced his concerns with the “problems of localization of data and [its] implications.”
The Privacy Shield is a framework between the United States and European Union that allows for the continued flow of data across the Atlantic. According to the Department, over 1,700 companies have already certified to the Privacy Shield, with hundreds more new applications being reviewed. Data localization would restrict data within borders, creating barriers to digital trade and hurting the American economy. Transferring data across borders enables US companies to offer the best services and products to consumers, and supports economic and job growth in the United States. BSA looks forward to working with Secretary Ross and the Commerce Department on privacy and digital trade policies.
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