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Public Citizen, May 20, 2022. BSA | The Software Alliance, was named as an organization calling for a prohibition of the “improper digital policies or practices that undermine data security and economic opportunity in the United States and among like-minded allies, including:… forced technology transfer requirements (e.g., source code transfer mandates); source code and encryption key disclosure/access mandates; [among others].” Leia mais

bsa in the news

MAY 20, 2022

Politico, April 11, 2022. The Biden administration’s public comment period asking for advice on what should – and should not – be included in the proposed IPEF deal ends today. The Regulations.gov website says that USTR had received over 1,000 comments on its portion of the IPEF negotiations, including comments from BSA | The Software Alliance. Leia mais

bsa in the news

APR 11, 2022

Les Echos, July 16, 2020. La Cour de justice de l'Union européenne juge que les outils de surveillance déployés aux Etats-Unis sont incompatibles avec la protection des données personnelles garantie aux Européens par le RGPD. La décision va chambouler les entreprises du numérique et leurs clients. Leia mais

bsa in the news

JUL 16, 2020