Global Data Alliance Welcomes APEC Ministers’ Commitment to a Digital “Post-2020 Vision”
WASHINGTON – July 28, 2020 – The Global Data Alliance welcomes the 2020 Joint Statement of the APEC Ministers Responsible for Trade. APEC Ministers reaffirmed their nations' shared commitment to mitigating the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and expediting an economic recovery, including by leveraging digital connectivity. The Ministerial Statement expressly "encourage[s] Economies to collaborate and adopt digital solutions that will strengthen supply chain resilience as well as enable seamless cross-border business, including through e-commerce. In harnessing the opportunities of digital economy, we acknowledge the importance of cooperation on facilitating the flow of data and strengthening consumer and business trust in digital transactions."
The Ministers also directed APEC Senior Officials to "accelerate work towards delivering a concise, relevant, meaningful and achievable, Post-2020 Vision," to be launched by the end of 2020.
"The Global Data Alliance welcomes the APEC Ministers' recognition of the importance of the digital economy in building APEC's Post-2020 Vision," said Joseph Whitlock, Director, Policy at BSA | The Software Alliance. "To this end, we urge APEC economies to endorse the Pathfinder Initiative Proposal on Building Blocks for Facilitating Digital Trade, including by enabling the free flow of information and data, minimizing data localization requirements, and working to promote consumer protection and trust."
The Pathfinder Initiative Proposal on Building Blocks for Facilitating Digital Trade provides a roadmap for leveraging digital connectivity for economic growth. The Initiative is supported by 11 APEC economies, including Australia, Canada, Chile, Japan, Korea, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, Chinese Taipei, and the United States. The Global Data Alliance looks forward to working with APEC economies to help build an effective response and recovery strategy that leverages digital connectivity as part of APEC's Post-2020 Vision.
About the Global Data Alliance
The Global Data Alliance (globaldataalliance.org) is a cross-industry coalition of companies that are committed to high standards of data responsibility and that rely on the ability to transfer data around the world to innovate and create jobs. The Alliance supports policies that help instill trust in the digital economy while safeguarding the ability to transfer data across borders and refraining from imposing data localization requirements that restrict trade.
Alliance members include BSA members and American Express, Amgen, AT&T, ITB360, LEGO, Mastercard, Panasonic, Pfizer, Roche, United Airlines, Verizon, Visa, and WD-40 Company. These companies are headquartered across the globe and are active in the advanced manufacturing, aerospace, automotive, consumer goods, electronics, energy, financial services, health, supply chain, and telecommunications sectors, among others. BSA | The Software Alliance administers the Global Data Alliance.
关于 BSA
BSA |“软件联盟”(www.bsa.org) 是全球软件行业的主要倡导者,旨在代表该行业,向政府和国际市场发声。其成员包括全球最具创新力的公司,这些公司制定的软件解决方案,不但能够刺激经济,还能提升现代生活的品质。
BSA 的总部位于华盛顿特区,其营运机构遍布 30 多个国家。BSA 凭借这些机构,率先涉足合规项目,以期促进使用合法软件、倡导制定公共政策,并以此培养技术创新能力,以及推动发展数字经济。