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OCT 29, 2020 | US

BSA Calls for an End to Digital Trade Barriers in 2020 NTE Submission

WASHINGTON – October 29, 2020 – In comments submitted today to the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) for the National Trade Estimate (NTE) Report, BSA urged policymakers to support open markets and combat digital trade barriers. In its comments, BSA identified policies of concern in Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, South Korea, Thailand, Vietnam, and the European Union (EU). Digital trade barriers and data protectionism inhibit global economic growth during a time when economic recovery depends upon cross-border access to software and cloud computing services.

“COVID-19 has produced unprecedented economic challenges. Digital trade is playing a key role in attenuating the effects of this public health emergency,” said Joseph Whitlock, Director, Policy at BSA | The Software Alliance. “Remote, software-powered tools for work, health, and education are critical to sustaining economies and keeping workers and students engaged. We urge policymakers to maintain a strong commitment to policies that will foster the economic response and recovery to COVID-19.”

Read BSA’s full comments here: https://www.bsa.org/policy-filings/us-bsa-2020-national-trade-estimate-submission-to-ustr


关于 BSA

The Business Software Alliance (www.bsa.org) 是全球软件行业的主要倡导者,旨在代表该行业,向政府和国际市场发声。其成员包括全球最具创新力的公司,这些公司制定的软件解决方案,不但能够刺激经济,还能提升现代生活的品质。


Michael O’Brien

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