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NOV 07, 2020 | US

BSA Highlights Tech Policy Priorities for Biden Administration

WASHINGTON – November 7, 2020 – BSA | The Software Alliance looks forward to working with President-Elect Joseph Biden and members of the 117th Congress on responsible tech policies that will help the United States respond to and recover from the ongoing pandemic and continue to grow in the 21st century. The enterprise software industry, which contributes more than 14 million jobs to the US economy, encourages strong leadership from the incoming Administration and Congress to modernize laws and regulations affecting technology and the growing software workforce.

With an ever-expanding digital economy, top priorities include fostering inclusive growth through enhanced worker training and reskilling programs and expanding access to technology to underserved communities; enacting strong, comprehensive federal privacy legislation; modernizing government IT systems to respond to COVID-19 and rebuild post-pandemic; and continuing the United States’ global leadership in digital trade.

“COVID-19 presents some of the most complex challenges we’ve faced in recent history. We want to work with the Administration and Congress to help move the country through these challenges. This pandemic has underscored the value of software as millions of people everywhere rely on technology to work and learn remotely, connect with loved ones, and access essential services,” said Victoria Espinel, President and CEO of BSA | The Software Alliance. “The incoming Administration and Congress have important work ahead as they respond to the pandemic and move forward on economic recovery. That work should include ensuring that everyone can benefit from the digital economy by supporting job creation, expanding access to training and reskilling programs, and investing in research and development. We also hope that the new Administration will focus on creating clear and consistent data privacy and security guidelines, negotiating forward-looking digital trade agreements, and equipping the government with the IT infrastructure it needs to provide services during COVID-19. I congratulate President-Elect Biden and look forward to working together on key issues for the software industry.”

Find BSA’s full recommendations on how governments in every country can support the remote economy in the COVID-19 Response & Recovery Agenda.


关于 BSA

The Business Software Alliance (www.bsa.org) 是全球软件行业的主要倡导者,旨在代表该行业,向政府和国际市场发声。其成员包括全球最具创新力的公司,这些公司制定的软件解决方案,不但能够刺激经济,还能提升现代生活的品质。


Michael O’Brien

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