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The event is organised by the Ministry of Science and ICT (MSIT) and focuses on ICT Korea, Wave of Transformation and the new D.N.A (Data, Network, AI) of the ICT Industry. BSA's Geun Kim presents on where Korea stands in Software and Cloud, highlighting Korea’s standing in the Cloud Computing Scorecard (comparing 24 countries) and Global Software Survey (GSS). 阅读更多信息


APR 10, 2019

Electronic Times, February 8, 2019. An interview with Geun Kim, BSA Country Manager for Korea, with Korea’s top IT trade newspaper, Electronic Times. Beyond campaigning for legal software use, the article covers BSA’s efforts to advocate the development of public policies that foster technological innovation and drive growth in the software industry. The article also highlights the policy priorities that are taking precedence in Korea this year. 阅读更多信息

bsa in the news

FEB 07, 2019