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BSA calls on the incoming Administration to achieve effective, sustainable security, by harnessing software innovation, recalibrating supply chain policies, securing software and the cloud, and building smart and effective governance. Lire la suite

policy filing

NOV 18, 2020

American Enterprise Institute, September 23, 2020. On the latest episode of “Explain to Shane,” AEI's Shane Tews sat down with Tommy Ross, Senior Policy Director at BSA | The Software Alliance and author of BSA’s position paper titled “Securing 5G: A Call to Harness Software Innovation,” which discusses the transition from hardware-dominated networking to a software-centric model for 5G. Lire la suite

bsa dans les médias

SEP 23, 2020

CRN India, July 22, 2020. BSA | The Software Alliance released a new policy agenda, “Securing 5G: A Call to Harness Software Innovation.” In its agenda, BSA urges policymakers to strengthen trust in 5G networks by leveraging innovative software solutions to build on 5G’s inherent security advantages. Lire la suite

bsa dans les médias

JUL 22, 2020